Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Grateful or Ungrateful

How often we use this word ungrateful? 

My youngest uncle passed away without anyone notice until we go and visit him in the afternoon. I recall two weeks ago when the hospital calling me to discharge him because they failed to get his son for 2 days. I can hear the frustration on the voice of the nurse. Understood, why? I too getting the same voice messages after his father was admitted. Is he being so ungrateful after the father helps him financially to open his shop?  

Grateful or ungrateful, I believe it is just a line drawing both apart and I believe it was a cycle of life.

He was my grandma’s favourable child out of eleven and giving him everything she has until the day she left us. Does he ever visit her when she is sick in the hospital? No! Does he ever buy her something to eat? No! As for his son, does he ever raises him or taught him? The answer is “No” too.

So, who’s the ungrateful one? How many people dare to admit if they are not grateful? May be some even don’t realising themselves being ungrateful.

When I call the son today telling him the news, never thought of the first word from him is asking me why? I’m not sure why out of sudden I was so mad on him and say “He is your dad, how should I know?” After I hanged up, I only realise I was too harsh on him and I think I shouldn’t be. So I make few calls informing everyone and call him back to ask him what he wants to do. He manages to get the funeral arrangement assistants and send his father to the cemetery near his town.

I will be going to his funeral and I know some people will disagree because it is not few blocks away, it was few hours away, moreover the way he treats my dad, he don’t deserve it. Whether he deserves or not, it is your own point of view. I always believe what I’ve learnt from my dad is always the right thing to do. Whatever you do or talk, you are being an example to the others.